Tooth Implant Costs: Understanding What You’re Paying For, PART 2

This two-part article series describes the many benefits and advantages of dental implants as a solution to single and multiple missing teeth. In our previous article post on tooth implant costs, we began looking at the various benefits and advantages afforded by dental implants as a solution to single and multiple missing teeth. In this […]

Tooth Implant Costs: Understanding What You’re Paying For, PART 1

This two-part article series describes the many benefits and advantages of dental implants as a solution to single and multiple missing teeth. Our teeth are an integral part of what makes our smile attractive. While they are composed of enamel; the hardest substance in the body – harder even than bone tissue – they are […]

Six Fantastic Reasons Why Implants Dental Costs are Worth it! PART 2

This article series explores the different reasons why dental implants, as opposed to traditional teeth replacement technology, are a much smarter investment in one’s short and long term oral health, functionality and aesthetics. In Dr. Wayne Brueggen’s previous article post, we began looking at some of the many reasons why implants dental costs are entirely […]

Six Fantastic Reasons Why Implants Dental Costs are Worth it! PART 1

This article series explores the different reasons why dental implants, as opposed to traditional tooth replacement technology, are a much smarter investment in one’s short and long term oral health, functionality and aesthetics. There is a widespread and very unfortunate misconception that implants dental cost patients too much to be considered a viable teeth replacement […]

Marketing Costs Trending Downward

The best kept secret in marketing today (you won't hear this from your agencies!) is the remarkable downward trend in marketing costs. Rapid improvements in marketing technology combined with an incredibly talented mobile marketing workforce are driving down marketing labor costs at a steady rate. Many marketing departments could be shaving a third or more […]