The Most Frequently Asked Questions About Houston Dental Implants, PART 1

In this article, part 1 of 2, we explore some of the questions most frequently asked about dental implants, including what they are and how long they last as a teeth replacement solution.


Houston Dental Implants: Introduction


Houston dental implants offer a comprehensive and long-term solution to single and multiple missing teeth. This popular, safe and successful teeth replacement technique has largely become the face of modern dental science and with results that guarantee restored oral aesthetics and functionality, it’s no wonder why. But what exactly are dental implants? How do they work? How long do they last? According to statistics released by the American Association of Periodontology, approximately 70% of Americans between the ages of 35 and 44 are missing at least one of their original adult teeth. Since the smile is regarded as one of our most important assets, it’s no wonder why people are bursting with questions about Houston dental implants! So, in order to address some of these issues and concerns, we present to you the answers to your FAQ.


Houston Dental Implants: FAQ


Question 1: What are dental implants?


Houston dental implants are essentially artificial ‘tooth roots’ that are fabricated from the extremely strong and non-corrosive metal titanium, which fits neatly into the socket/s left bare by the missing tooth or teeth. A ceramic crown is then affixed to the top of this titanium implant post, which is made to exactly resemble and function like the tooth it is replacing. The overall results are virtually indistinguishable from any natural, healthy tooth!


Question 2: Can I eat normally with dental implants?


This is one of the fantastic benefits of Houston dental implants. You see, once a dental implant is placed, it forms a strong biological bond with your jaw; a natural process termed ‘osseointegration’. This enables the entire tooth replacement to ‘act’ or function much like a natural healthy tooth in eating and chewing. After a few months of healing and with the final approval of your implantologist, you will be able to resume eating all the foods you love without worrying about your Houston dental implants becoming loose or falling out.


Question 3: How do I take care of dental implants?


Houston dental implants are looked after exactly as you do your original teeth. There are no fancy techniques or expensive products required to keep them clean. As long as you brush thoroughly twice a day, floss everyday and perhaps even use an anti-bacterial mouthwash, you should be able to keep your Houston dental implants for a very long time.


Question 4: How long do dental implants last?


Houston dental implants constitute a long-term solution for single and multiple missing teeth. Because they fuse with the jaw, they last on average between 20 and 30 years. If you look after your teeth well and pay the dental implantologist frequent visits to make sure your implants are stable and functioning perfectly, then you could even keep them for a lifetime!