Teeth Veneers in Encinitas: For that Dazzling Even Smile

This article describes what porcelain teeth veneers are and how they can vastly improve the appearance of a person’s smile.

Teeth Veneers in Encinitas: An Overview

Teeth veneers in Encinitas consist of a wafer-thin shell of ceramic material that is bonded directly to the front surface of the tooth. A suitable analogy would be a carved wooden outdoor table. While the wood may appear attractive after its initial carving, with time and exposure to the elements it may start to appear mottled and stained and perhaps be a better candidate for firewood than for enjoying an evening glass of wine on! What most people do, however, is paint their wooden furniture with a varnish that transforms it from firewood to luxury household item! Virtually the same concept applies to teeth veneers in Encinitas! With time and exposure to staining foods, chemicals, tobacco and caffeine, our teeth can go from pearly white to a less attractive shade of yellow (and brown, grey and green in some severe cases of tooth decay). Furthermore, our teeth can lose their perfect geometric shape through chipping and general wear-and-tear. Teeth veneers in Encinitas are a shell of even, white and perfectly shaped ceramic that are placed over the front of the tooth drastically changing its appearance for the better!

Teeth Veneers in Encinitas: How Do They Work?

The logical question at this juncture is: “How doTeeth veneers in Encinitas

[url=http://www.EncinitasDentalArt.com]Teeth veneers in Encinitas[/url] stay on?” Well, you are certainly not the first person to ask this question! In fact, the very pioneer of teeth veneers in Encinitas, Charles Pincus, struggled to find a working solution that would make the ceramic adhere to the surface of the tooth for longer than a few hours! In the design’s early days, teeth veneers were used by actors on-stage to give their smiles ‘celebrity-status’. Of course, the denture adhesive used to stick them on was less than temporary and the viability of a permanent smile make-over by veneers narrowly evaded until research by Simonsen and Calamia in 1982 revealed an alternate solution. They found that adequate bond strengths could be achieved between the veneer and its composite resin by dipping the porcelain in hydrofluoric acid. Now, almost 30 years later, the bonding agents and cements used for teeth veneers in Encinitas have been vastly improved, resulting in a long-term solution for discolored and uneven teeth that is among the best cosmetic dentistry has to offer.

Teeth Veneers in Encinitas: The Benefits

Teeth veneers in Encinitas are custom made to exactly fit the individual’s tooth: this way patients can avoid looking like they have a mouth full of ill-fitting ‘Chicklet bubblegum’ teeth. Not only are they virtually indistinguishable from natural healthy teeth, but they are incredibly strong so they work like them too. Another benefit of teeth veneers in Encinitas is that they are highly resistant to staining, which means you can pursue your caffeine addiction guilt-free. Cigarettes are an entirely different matter, so don’t think that this is an excuse to resume that bad habit.

Overall, the results of teeth veneers in Encinitas are a complete aesthetic make-over that renders the smile dazzling!