Teeth In A Day With All On Four Implant Technology

The problem of missing teeth is not merely a cosmetic issue. Even if you lose a second or third molar from any side of the jaw, you may experience problems in grinding food properly. This is where replacement teeth help. As an alternative to removable dentures and damaged teeth, all on four dental implants can become immediate replacements and appear, feel and function like healthy, white natural teeth.

If you feel you may lose your teeth due to an injury or a periodontal disease or are using dentures at present, you can go for all on four dental implant procedure, also known as teeth in day.

At times some people are not considered good candidates for conventional dental implants because of jaw bone loss. But in the all on four procedure dentists use the front segment of jaw and there is typically no need of bone graft or sinus augmentation.

How is the procedure different from conventional techniques of dental implants?

Using the customary method, dental implants are placed directly in the bone that may also need a sinus lift and bone graft. After this a patient needs to wait for six to nine months before the implant is covered with a dental cap. With the all on four dental implant technique, dense bone in the front section of the jaw is used for natural support and posterior implants are placed at an angle. A longer implant can be placed with a less invasive procedure that does not disturb the sinus cavity on the upper arch.

The treatment takes approximately two to two and a half hours per arch with sedation and you will get your new set of white, natural looking teeth on the same day. You may feel some discomfort or pain after the surgery but this does not last longer than a few hours. Your dentist may prescribe painkillers and antibiotics for 2-3 days and these should be strictly taken as per schedule.

All on Four Dental Implants

Smile makeovers with dental implants need individual attention and it is important to choose the right dentist for the job. Facial structure, age, and health of the patient are also considered when an efficient dental team creates new set of replacement teeth. This is done to ensure that the teeth actually complement the looks of a person and add to the beauty of his or her smile. With medical and dental tourism on the rise, many people go to places where they can get these implants at a ‘cheaper rate’. But if your inexpensive dental implant or crown was also made with cheap materials and components, it would defeat the entire purpose of getting the treatment in the first place.

By getting all on four implants fitted by an experienced and well known dentist, you get a smile makeover, the ability to chew the foods that you love while also bidding adieu to the crippling impacts of loose dentures. With regular brushing and flossing dental implants are easy to take care of and do not involve those bad breath problems that are associated with teeth dentures.