Seven Things You Need to Know About New Jersey Dental Implants

This article discusses seven important facts about dental implants and their advantages over other traditional teeth replacement technologies.

Have you lost most or all of your teeth? Have you been told by your dentist that your dentition is failing and that you are facing an immediate future of edentulism (not having a single original adult tooth left)? Are you currently wearing dentures or considering having dentures placed? New Jersey residents might want to read the following seven facts about all on 4 dental implants before they opt for traditional teeth replacement technologies like removable dentures…

New Jersey Dental Implants: Fact # 1

All On 4 Dental Implants

Removable dentures don’t replace the roots of missing teeth like dental implants do – only the crowns. A lack of functional stimulation causes the jawbone to atrophy and waste away. This causes dentures that once fitted well to become progressively looser and more uncomfortable. Over time, the bone in the jaw can disappear to a point where any tooth replacement technique can’t be considered viable unless bone grafting is done. New Jersey dental implants specialists typically recommend implants because they help to maintain the health of the jawbone.

New Jersey Dental Implants: Fact # 2

Only 4 out of 10 patients are still wearing their original removable denture plate after a period of five years. This is because the changing shape of the jawbone causes dentures to require adjustment and refitting every few years or so. Even if your dentures are still functional after five years, you’re still losing bone volume to atrophy. All On 4 dental implants, on the other hand, can last decades without the need for restoration and they help to support a healthy jawbone.

New Jersey Dental Implants: Fact # 3

50% Of patients who wear a partial denture claim to eat better and more comfortably without their replacement teeth. This says very little about utility! All on 4 dental implants enable you to eat most, if not all of the foods you love.

New Jersey Dental Implants: Fact # 4

Partial dentures make use of metal hooks to remain stabilized in the mouth. These hooks are attached to any remaining healthy teeth a patient might have. Yet a study indicated that 40% of the natural teeth used to support partial dentures in patients had to be pulled after a period of 8 years as a result of fracture and decay. Since dental implants are self-supporting and freestanding, they don’t typically damage neighboring healthy teeth.

New Jersey Dental Implants: Fact # 5

Removable dentures shift from side to side while eating and speaking, irrespective of the use of adhesives. This level of discomfort is just a problem new denture wearers have to grow accustomed to. All On 4 dental implants are placed “permanently” or are non-removable in the mouth and cannot shift around at all.

New Jersey Dental Implants: Fact # 6

New Jersey Dental Implants

Eating with removable dentures can become so difficult and uncomfortable that patients find themselves becoming malnourished. 30% of New Jersey residents who wear dentures can only manage a diet of soft foods and overall, it is estimated that this can reduce one’s life span by a shocking 10 years! All on 4 dental implants support a natural and strong bite, enabling patients to eat a substantial and healthy diet.

New Jersey Dental Implants: Fact # 7

A natural bite applies approximately 200 pounds of force, which is why you can manage such a great variety of hard, crunchy and chewy foods when you have a full set of healthy teeth. Patients who have been wearing dentures for 15 or more year can typically only bite down with 6 pounds of force, which is why their diet is so restricted. Dental implants are able to support a bite strength that is very close to a natural bite.

Still considering removable dentures? We didn’t think so…