New Teeth with the All on Four in Houston: All of the Benefits, None of the Challenges

all-on-4 dental implants houston

This article describes what the All on Four dental implant protocol is and the many benefits and advantages it offers edentulous and near-edentulous patients.

All on Four in Houston is a dental implant
All on Four Houstonprotocol that provides a comprehensive and long-term solution for people that are either already edentulous (don’t have a single original adult tooth left) or are facing an immediate future of edentulism. According to the American Academy of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgeons, a massive 70% of people between the ages of 35 and 44 are missing at least one of their original adult teeth. So, if you are currently feeling insecure about your ‘gappy’ smile, you are not alone! Teeth can go missing for a whole host of reasons: tooth decay, periodontal (gum) disease, accidental trauma, a failed root canal, chronic illnesses (cancer and diabetes) and certain medications; even your genetic heritage can render you more susceptible to tooth loss. Whatever the reason you have experienced, the All on Four in Houston has, time and again, proven to provide excellent results in the long term restoration of oral aesthetics and bite functionality!

The All on Four in Houston: The Preferred Teeth Replacement Solution

There are a great number of teeth replacement techniques out there… the one you are probably most aware of thanks to their comical portrayal in cinema are removable dentures or false teeth. While these dental devices have proved to be useful – enabling their wearers to eat, speak and look as
All on Fourclose to normal as possible given the circumstances – modern dental science has evolved to offer far more comprehensive and long-term solutions to tooth loss that come with none of the challenges and repeated expenses. The All on Four in Houston is a perfect example of how far the science of dentistry has come in the treatment of edentulous and near-edentulous patients. So, how does this tooth replacement protocol work?

All on Four in Houston, as the name suggests, involves the affixing of a fully customized prosthetic dental bridge (a rigid structure with a full set of ceramic teeth that is fabricated to fit over the gums) to FOUR dental implants (see image above). Dental implants are exceptionally resilient and long-lasting titanium ‘tooth roots’ that act as anchors for a ceramic crown or, in the case of the All on Four in Houston, a non-removable bridge. Once healed, implants function and feel just like natural tooth roots, while keeping the underlying jaw bone healthy through the natural stimulation caused by chewing and grinding.

The Benefits of the All on Four in Houston

Because the prosthetic bridge is ‘anchored’ in the mouth with dental implants, the All on Four in Houston offers a whole host of benefits and advantages over traditional tooth replacement techniques:

  • They are fixed and non-removable so they do not shift around in the mouth and cannot fall out like false teeth tend to.
  • The bridge used in the All on Four in Houston protocol does not rely on the gums and underlying bone ridge for support, which is what causes inflammation, discomfort and the development of sores.
  • The All on Four in Houston promote good jaw bone health by preventing atrophy through the stimulation of the underlying bone tissue.
  • They provide a long-term solution that can last years and even decades if cared for properly.
  • The bridge used in the All on Four in Houston functions, feels and looks like a full set of natural healthy teeth, enabling you to enjoy your life with none of the challenges and repeated expenses associated with removable dentures.

Dr. Wayne Brueggen

The All on Four in Houston: The Choice of Implant Dentists

Qualified and experienced implant dentist, Dr. Wayne Brueggen, recommends the All on Four in Houston over removable dentures and older dental implant protocol time and again. Find out whether you are a candidate for this breakthrough tooth replacement technique today and you could be enjoying a much higher quality of life tomorrow.

houston all-on-4 dental implants

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