How All On Four Dental Implants Can Actually Prolong Your Life

This article explains how, through the use of a more sophisticated teeth replacement solution, patients can benefit from a longer, healthier life.

We all know what removable dentures are and to some limited extent, the various challenges and disadvantages they come hand-in-hand with. But what is extremely shocking to learn is that opting for this archaic teeth replacement solution instead of something more sophisticated, such as All On Four dental implants, can actually shorten one’s life expectancy by 10 years! Let’s take a closer look at how this is possible.

The Challenges Involved in Wearing Removable Dentures

“The fact that wearing traditional denture can shorten life expectancy is no exaggeration,” say dental implant specialists in New Jersey. “One of the biggest problems facing the elderly who have worn dentures for many, many years is malnutrition and a lack of proper nutrition can cause serious health problems.”

Dental Implant New Jersey


Dentures are unattached or removable teeth replacement devices that rest on the gums. Because there’s nothing “anchoring” them in the mouth, they tend to move around when eating and speaking. The constant pressing down on and rubbing against the gums causes inflammation of the underlying soft tissue and the development of sores that aren't given much of a chance to heal in between meals. In fact, when asked, 50% of denture-wearers said they eat better and more comfortably without their false teeth!

“Many elderly people therefore remove their teeth as a quick solution to the discomfort they experience when eating,” explain New Jersey dental implant specialists. “However, without any teeth, they find their diets extremely restricted and therefore tend to only eat a very small amount and variety of food. This is what can lead to malnutrition and the associated health problems.”

How All On Four™ Dental Implants Can Change This

All On Four Dental Implants


Unlike traditional removable dentures, All On Four dental implants function like tooth roots, which provides a stable and fixed platform upon which a custom bridge (complete set of artificial teeth) can be placed. Not only is this far more comfortable, but the strength with which a patient can bite down is much greater, enabling them to eat a greater variety of foods. In fact, most patients say that eating with All On Four™ dental implants is like eating with natural teeth. It’s comfortable and feels natural, which returns to them the joy of eating!

All On Four™ dental implant New Jersey also restore the function of the missing tooth roots, which is to keep the underlying jawbone stimulated and healthy. By helping to prevent the loss of bone volume caused by tooth loss, jawbone health and bite strength can be maintained, which enables patients to enjoy most of their favorite foods.

A Final Note

A healthy diet and adequate nutrition are vital for maintaining general health. Removable dentures simply cannot rival the benefits of All On Four™ dental implants in maintaining bite function, strength and jawbone health, which is why New Jersey dental implant specialists recommend them over traditional removable dentures time and again. If you have lost most or all of your natural teeth, or have been told that your dentition is failing due to gum disease, speak to your dentist about All On Four™ dental implants. They are a long term investment in your oral health and both your quality and length of life!