Disastrous Dentures! Reasons You May Want to Consider Houston Dental Implants, PART 2

This two part article series presents compelling reasons why patients should consider dental implants as their tooth replacement solution instead of traditional removable dentures.

If you were aware of the effects of removable dentures or false teeth on the health of your remaining teeth and underlying jaw bone, chances are you’d shell out the extra cash for a better and more sophisticated tooth replacement technology – Teeth in a day. In our previous article post, we discussed the serious effects of wearing removable dentures on jaw bone health, as well as the general short-comings of this archaic hardware. In this article, the second half of the series, we shall move on to talk about the cost differences and functional discrepancies between All-on-4 dental implants…

Houston dental implants

… and removable dentures.

The Cost of Dental Implants in Houston versus Denture Costs

There are tens of millions of Americans currently living with dentures because they have lost most, if not all of their teeth to periodontal (gum) disease. These people frequently complain about how uncomfortable and even painful dentures can be. But what’s more interesting to note is that they complain about how much it costs to maintain a set of dentures and to keep up with the daily expenses!

Teeth in a day

Most patients opt for removable dentures because they believe they cannot afford dental implants. While your initial price tag may be greater for dental implants than it is for dentures, the former typically provides a one-time solution to rampant tooth loss… one that can last several decades without the need for restoration or replacement. Denture-wearers on the other hand frequently find themselves shelling out dollar bill after dollar bill to have their dentures refitted and for daily expenses, such as overnight soaking solutions, cleaning pastes, anesthetic gels and adhesives.

These costs add up in the long run. And to add insult to injury, most denture-wearers end up requiring dental implants anyway because their jaw bones have atrophied to such an extent that only bone grafting and implant surgery are considered viable treatment options. The message here is, if you thought you were saving yourself money by opting for dentures rather than Houston dental implants, you’re wrong!

Save yourself the expense AND the daily hassles of dentures by choosing the best and most sophisticated tooth replacement technology from the outset.

Your Ability to Manage and Enjoy Your Food

Houston dental implants

Last, but certainly not least of all the reasons patients should opt for dental implants instead of traditional removable dentures: mealtimes. Eating is one of life’s greatest pleasures and this only becomes truer with age. By the time you’re finally prepared to let go of your figure and just eat all the delicious foods you love and have waited your whole life to indulge in, you are quite literally not able to.

Dentures are built to enable patients to eat properly, but the menu is substantially limited! Because dentures rest on the gums and are not supported directly by the jaw bone (as is the case with natural teeth and dental implants), they cause quite a bit of pain and inflammation of this delicate soft tissue. This can make eating very uncomfortable. In fact, of all the patients who wear dentures, 50% say they eat better without their false teeth!

Dentures also:

  • Reduce bite strength by 75%. After 15 years of denture-wearing, bite force can be reduced by a shocking 97%, leaving patients with very few foods they can actually manage.
  • Trigger the gag reflex because of their bulkiness.
  • Impede a patient’s ability to taste their food and sense temperature and texture variations properly.
  • Decrease nutritional intake.

Teeth in a day

A Final Note on Houston Dental Implants

All on 4 Dental Implants promote a much greater quality of life, better oral health and higher levels of self-esteem. You cannot put a price tag on either of these things.