Dental Implants New Jersey: Your FAQ Answered, PART 4

This four-part article series provides a comprehensive FAQ guide to dental implants, what they are, how they work and the various options available to patients who have lost one, several or most of their teeth.

Welcome back to our four-part article series in which dental implant specialists in New Jersey address patients’ frequently asked questions about this teeth replacement technology. In our previous article, the third installment of the series, we explained which dental healthcare professionals have the qualifications and training necessary to place dental implants. We then addressed many patients’ common concerns, such as whether age is a limiting factor when considering implant surgery and what ailments could compromise patient candidacy. In this article, we’ll tackle some common concerns and perhaps the most frequently asked of all patients’ questions: does it hurt?

“Does it hurt to get dental implants?”

Dental Implants New Jersey

Answer: Typically, no it doesn’t because you will be anesthetized and possibly even sedated or asleep for the procedure. Depending upon the nature of your surgery (such as whether you’re having one or all of your teeth replaced) and your preference, anesthesia may be as simple as local anesthetic injections, or include I.V. sedation or general anesthesia. Afterwards, you’ll be sent home with some prescription pain medication to manage any post-operative discomfort you may experience. In most cases, however, patients report very little discomfort and are back at work within days.

“How many days should I plan on taking off from work?”

Answer: Dental implant specialists generally recommend that patients take two to three days off from work to recover from surgery. The reality, however, is that most patients feel well enough after only one day to return to work! What’s most important is that you eat healthily, drink lots of fluids and get plenty of rest to give your new teeth the best possible start to healing. Your diet should consist of soft foods in the first few months and you should avoid any strenuous exercise or contact sports. You wouldn’t want to compromise the new and delicate bonds being formed by your jawbone to the surface of the implant.

“How long are dental implants supposed to last?”

Answer: Dental implants in New Jersey can have a fantastic lifespan of 30, 40 years and even longer. If cared for properly and if attended to regularly by your dentist, there’s no reason why you shouldn’t keep your new teeth for life!

“Will I need to have them replaced at some stage?”

Answer: You shouldn’t ever need to replace your dental implants if you look after them properly and if you got them placed by a skilled and experienced dental specialist. You may need to have the ceramic crown or overlaying appliance fixed or restored, but the implant itself – the component rooted in your jawbone – shouldn’t need replacing. There are, of course, exceptions to this general rule. Poor oral health and certain medical conditions can cause implant failure. However, healthy patients can look forward to getting quite a bit of use out of their replacement teeth!

“What’s the success rate of dental implant surgery?”

All on 4 Dental Implants - Malo Dental Implants

Answer: For single dental implants, the success rate is typically 98%. For whole arch replacement using all on 4 dental implants, the success rate is 95% over a period of 10 years with no significant bone loss in the jaw.

A Final Note from Dental Implant Specialists in New Jersey

We hope this four-part article series has been helpful in addressing some of your questions and concerns about dental implants. If there’s one final note that dental implant specialists in New Jersey would like to leave readers with, it’s that this technology offers tremendous benefits and advantages to both one’s quality of life and confidence of smile!