Answers to Your Concerns Related to All-on-4 Dental Implants

All-on-4 dental implants can be rightly considered as a great and exciting dental technology. These implants have certainly come a long way with respect to their function, appearance, and longevity. These features have made the implants the most preferred choice for replacing your missing tooth / teeth. The implants can easily hold crowns and bridges and can considerably enhance the fit and sense of dentures and partial dentures. They have made the ill-fitting and distressing dentures things of the past.

A look at a few concerns related to dental implants:

What is the lifespan of All on 4 Dental Implants?

The success rates of dental implants are generally good. Once the implant is in place, there are various factors that may affect its survival such as poor hygiene, negligence in taking care, excessive biting forces and certain health factors. You have to follow a diligent care regime for your implants to last for years to come. Your dental implants can last for long if they are taken proper care of.

All on 4 Dental Implants

Will your body refuse the dental implants?

It is a fact that not everyone can undergo implant treatment and there are a few medical restrictions and contraindications. Your dental assessment will include a professional medical screening that might highlight your dental concerns. There are several medical conditions that bring with them higher risk factors such as diabetes due to compromised healing. Moreover, if you have had a cardiac problem, you might be required to wait for almost 6 months. Also, if you are under cancer treatment, you must avoid implants till you are in remission. While, smokers can have implants but they are at a higher risk of implant failure.

What are the surgical risks involved in the procedure?

A skilled dental implant surgeon will assess your condition and any risks to inform you at the planning stage itself. Diagnostic procedures are executed to plan cases in order to reduce as well as minimize risks. The more complicated the surgery is, the greater the risk for complexities. If you have adequate bone, then the surgery is easier, more predictable, further all the surgical risks are also reduced.

Is your age suitable for dental implants?

Practically, it is not your age but your medical condition that is a deciding factor for an implant surgery.

Will you be comfortable and will the aesthetics be great with All on 4 dental implants?

An implant is close to your natural teeth with respect to the functioning and appearance for substituting your missing tooth / teeth. Implant restorations are quite aesthetic and one would have to struggle to distinguish an implant from your natural tooth. If you are a denture wearer who suffers with a typical problem of loose lower dentures – then with four implants in the lower jaw, you can drastically improve the function, confidence and quality of life. It is right to say that replacing your teeth with All on 4 Dental Implants will feel quite natural and can also eliminate the frustration that comes with loose fitting dentures. Moreover, aesthetics attained with these implants make you feel good and more confident.