All on Four Dental Implants – Answers to Your FAQ's

Having missing teeth can compel you to face a lot of discomfort while doing normal activities like eating, smiling, breathing and even talking. Consult your dentist for various teeth replacement options – one such option can be All on Four dental implants. For a better understanding the concept of All on 4 Implants, take a look at the following frequently asked questions.

All on Four Dental Implants: FAQ’s Answered

What is the All on 4 treatment concept?

The All on 4 procedure is the name given to an efficient and capable practice that entails the use of four dental implants in your lower or upper jaw to support a set of replacement teeth so they cannot slip or come out. Dental implants support a replacement tooth and also create replacement roots that will connect with your jaw bone. This can offer you a long term, enduring solution for replacing missing teeth. It will also promote strong, sturdy support and give you a more natural smile. This treatment eliminates the need for bone graft surgery thus delivering you a permanent and natural smile solution in the shortest time possible.

Does the Procedure Hurt?

The All on 4 procedure is designed and carried out in such a way that it minimizes pain and discomfort. Your dentist will use a local anesthetic or sedative in most cases. You will experience minimum swelling and soreness, but that can be taken care of with the prescribed medicines by the dentist. You will be surprised at how little pain that you might feel and how quickly you recover. You can return to your work and normal routine activities within 2-3 days.

How much time is required to recover from the procedure?

Post the treatment, it is suggested to take 2 – 3 days to relax. After that, you can return to your routine activities with a whole new beautiful smile and fully functioning teeth.

Is it correct to expect natural-looking results?

Yes, you can expect the results that will look natural. Wisely choose your dentist. He / she must be highly trained and experienced so that they are able to work on your case more effectively and give you teeth / tooth replacements that are natural-looking and fully functional. Your dentist will carefully take molds of your jaw in order to make sure that you get a perfect fit that will result in a winning smile.

All on 4 Implants - No Dentures

Does age matter for undergoing the treatment?

Often, the dentists suggest that the All on Four dental implants treatment is a matter of concern for older patients with regards to them enjoying complete benefits of the implants. However, health is considered as the main determining factor more than age. If you’re healthy enough to have a tooth extracted, then you’re probably healthy enough to receive dental implants. Consult your dentist and ask about all your concerns related to the implants prior to going for the treatment.

Owing to the success rate of the All on 4 Implants, a number of people are turning toward this treatment to enjoy the many benefits of dental implants and continue to smile more confidently.