Health and Wellness Expert Knows the Importance of Activity for the Health of America

As a health and wellness expert I know what we all know; America is getting fatter by the day. The new statistics just released by the CDC are truly scary. Between 2007 and 2009 another 2.4 million people are now obese. Weight loss has got to be our primary focus. The health of America is […]

Golden Rules of Nutrition and Weight Loss – Simple Tips to Follow

Although my book, GET MOVING! Live Better, Live Longer is focused on how to use exercise to combat the major diseases of our society that include hypertension, heart disease, diabetes, arthritis, osteoporosis and low back pain, there is an excellent chapter on nutrition and weight loss that you really need to read. Weight loss plays […]


EVEN YOUR BRAIN LOVES EXERCISE – HEALTH AND WELLNESS EXPERT PRESENTS NEW STRONG EVIDENCE FOR THE VALUE OF EXERCISE TO PREVENT ALZHEIMERS DISEASE New research presented at the Alzheimer’s Association International Conference July 2010 shows without doubt that exercise improves your health and wellness into your 80’s by preventing the development of dementia. Get Moving […]