The Dentist in Colorado Springs Answers: What Could Be Causing Your Bad Breath? PART 1

This three-part article series provides an overview of the various factors, ailments and conditions that could be causing your breath to turn sour. Let’s face it… there’s nothing quite as unattractive as halitosis. You could be a cover girl for Maxim Magazine or a ramp model for Giorgio Armani, but if your breath pongs, no […]

New Teeth Professionals in Rutherford NJ: Understanding Diabetes and Your Oral Health, PART 1

This two-part article series provides an in-depth look at the relationship between diabetes and oral health and how Rutherford residents living with this condition can better protect their teeth and gums. There is a clear link between diabetes and the health of your teeth and gums. More specifically, people living with diabetes are at a […]

Link Between Gum Disease and Heart Disease

Many studies suggest a link between gum disease and serious conditions like heart disease. While the evidence is not yet clear, it is compelling. According to the American Academy of Periodontology, people with periodontal disease are almost twice as likely to have coronary artery disease (also called heart disease). And one study found a causal […]

Gum Disease: Who treats it? Periodontist, GP, or Hygienist?

So you tell your dentist your gums bleed when you brush. Or your hygienist, during a routine cleaning, finds a gum pocket. Which dental professional should treat your gum disease? Your dentist? The hygienist? What about a periodontist? The fact is that most dentists and hygienists are extremely capable of treating early gum disease and […]

Gum Disease NYC: Facts About Bleeding Gums

FALLACY: Tooth loss is a natural part of aging. FACT: With good oral hygiene and regular professional care, your teeth are meant to last a lifetime. However, if left untreated, periodontal (gum) disease can lead to tooth loss. It is the primary cause of tooth loss in adults 35 and over. FALLACY: People who have […]

Could You Be In Imminent Need Of Stratford Dental Implants? Take Our Gum Disease Quiz!

By answering the quiz below and tallying up the points you score, you can determine whether you are at a grave risk of early, moderate or severe gum disease. Gum disease is a prevalent problem in the United States in spite of all the high tech gadgetry we have to prevent and combat the full […]