Flemington Dental Implants Specialists on: The Seven Deadly Dental Sins, PART 8

This 8-part series provides an in-depth look at seven different habits, addictions and behaviors that are deadly to your oral health. Welcome to the final installment of our 8-part article series on the different habits, behaviors and addictions that are deadly to the health of your teeth and gums. By indulging in these various “dental […]

Flemington Dental Implants: 11 Ways to Keep Your Original Smile! PART 4

"This article series discusses 11 different habits we can develop and lifestyle changes we can make to prevent the array of oral diseases and conditions that lead to early tooth loss." This four-part article serieshas focused on presenting the top 11 habits and lifestyle changes that can ensure the lifelong health of your teeth and […]

‘All on 4’ Flemington Dental Implants: What Patients Can Expect From Post-Procedural Recovery

This article explains what patients who have just undergone the ‘All-on-4’ dental implant protocol can expect from their post-procedural recovery. ‘All on 4’ Flemington dental implants offer patients suffering from rampant tooth loss and edentulism (not having a single original adult tooth left) a comprehensive and long term tooth replacement solution. Of course, many of […]