Dental Implants Specialists in New York Give Us 10 Fascinating Dental Facts, PART 1

This three-part article series provides 10 fascinating dental facts that might just help you improve your daily oral health and hygiene habits.

Did you think you knew everything there was to know about your oral health? Brush twice a day, see your dentist regularly, yadda yadda yadda. You’ve heard it all a million times before. Well, think again! Some of the statistics coming out of the dental healthcare institutes and associations are quite sobering and indicative of a population that is not quite as “in-the-know” as we’d like to think!

In this three-part article series, dental implant specialists in New York tell us 10 very interesting facts about oral health and hygiene: 10 facts that might just compel you to up your game as far as looking after your teeth is concerned!

Fact # 1: Tooth decay is frightfully common in the United States

New York Dental Implants

Tooth decay is the most common ailment in the United States, second ONLY to the common cold or influenza!

“Tooth decay is caused by the accumulation of plaque and tartar (collectively referred to as calculus) on and around the tooth structure,” explain dental implants specialists in New York. “Calculus IS bacteria and the acidic wastes they produce damage your dental enamel forming cavities. Left untreated, decay can lead to the infection of the inner pulp chamber, necessitating root canal therapy to save the tooth. Ultimately, decay leads to tooth loss and the need for dental implants.”

The terrible statistics of tooth decay and tooth loss in the United States tells us that people of all ages, genders and economic and social backgrounds are not taking the simple measures necessary to keep their teeth and gums in good condition. Is this a matter of education? Financial constraints? Laziness? Perhaps, but no reason is really good enough. You need your teeth. They play a fundamental role in digestion, communication and presentation. Start looking after them!

Fact # 2: The average American brushes for a fraction of the recommended time.

Dental Implants New York

“You should brush your teeth for two minutes, two to three times a day,” say New York dental implants specialists. “Yet, the average patient only brushes their teeth 38 seconds PER DAY!”

This explains in part why tooth decay is so common in the United States! Next time you brush your teeth, time yourself and see just how much brushing time you’re cheating yourself out of. Try and spend 30 seconds per quadrant of the mouth to get a proper, thorough clean. Don’t forget to brush your palate, tongue and inner cheeks as well. Plaque accumulates on the soft tissues just as readily as it does on your teeth!

Fact # 3: Don’t Floss? You’re leaving 35% of your tooth surfaces unclean!

You may hate flossing, but if you don’t do it every day you’re leaving 35% of your tooth surfaces unclean! That’s like climbing in the shower and only washing your abdomen, leaving your legs, arms and head full of sweat and grime.

“Flossing is an integral component of a thorough oral hygiene routine,” stress dental implants specialists in New York. “It’s why oral hygienists floss your teeth when you come for a professional cleaning – there simply is no better way to clean between the teeth!”

You must floss every day, preferably before you go to bed at night, or else you are leaving all that plaque and food debris to remain trapped, increasing your risk of tooth decay and associated problems, such as bad breath.

Stay Tuned for Part 2

To read more of the fascinating dental facts provided to us by New York dental implants specialists, stay tuned for the second installment of this three-part article series.