Books on marketing and PR

Marketing is an activity that aims to make a profit by meeting the needs of customers. It is a very general definition that shows the essence of any marketing activity – the ability to sell a product or service to a target audience.

In a broader sense, marketing is a complex discipline that includes the ability to analyze a niche and competitors, predict consumer demand, and skillfully build communications with the target audience. In short, a professional marketer must understand how to turn the needs of people (B2C) or organizations (B2B) in services and goods into consumer demand.

Thus, if we describe marketing in brief, it is an activity to meet the needs of customers. In fact, it is the main goal of all marketing strategies of the company.
Our article will be devoted to books on marketing. Also here is a good post about it:

Our literary references

1. Thinkertoys: A Handbook of Creative-Thinking Techniques

With this book, you will learn how to generate great ideas, think unconstrained, and find brilliant solutions to problems. A leading expert on creative thinking Michael Mikalko collected and systematized creative thinking strategies.

You will learn more than a hundred creative techniques and exercises, develop your thinking skills and find many interesting games and puzzles that will make your brain work to its full potential. Examples of creative discoveries and ingenious solutions from the past will inspire you to practice these techniques and help you activate your creative self.

How brands grow. Byron Sharpe

Many marketers believe that there are no laws in their activities. This is not the case. Byron Sharp has spent years researching buyer behavior and understanding how people buy and what it takes to increase sales.

This book is intended for marketers, but it will be useful for PR specialists as well. You will learn how to create selling descriptions and be able to predict the sales policy of a large company.

The Lazy Guru’s Guide to Life: A Mindful Approach to Achieving More by Doing Less. Lawrence Schorter

PR is one of the most stressful professions. You are responsible for the image of the company, and even one mistake can cost a career.

Laziness, as you know, is the engine of progress. Becoming a Lazy Guru, you will learn to focus on what is important, not to pay attention to the turmoil, to keep a clear mind and confidence. Achieve more by doing less!