12 Things The NJ Dental Implants Professional Wished Every Patient Knew, PART 1

This four-part article series presents a suite of interesting facts every dental healthcare practitioner wished their patients knew and practiced.

You only get one set of natural teeth once your milk teeth have, one by one, been taken away by the tooth fairy… and they are supposed to last you a lifetime. Yet, according to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, tooth loss is a pervasive problem facing the United States and poor oral hygiene, a lack of professional care and gum disease are to blame.

NJ Dental ImplantsIn this four-part article series, a NJ dental implants professional sits down and speaks to us about the many important things dental healthcare professionals wish patients knew and adhered to, from how to properly store your toothbrush to the fact that there exists a strong connection between gum disease and a whole suite of potentially fatal illnesses. If we did adhere to these things, the incidence of tooth loss would be considerably less than it is and more people would be smiling with much greater confidence.

Let’s get started!

1. It’s not normal for your gums to bleed.

“It’s quite shocking just how many people think it’s normal for their gums to bleed when they brush or floss their teeth,” says the NJ dental implants Professional. “If you washed your hands and they started to bleed, wouldn’t you think that something was wrong? Absolutely, and you’d probably rush off to the nearest doctor. Your gums are no different. Gums tear easily and bleed when they have become compromised by inflammation and /or infection, so you should book an appointment with your dentist to have the problem diagnosed and treated.”

“In many cases, the cause of bleeding gums is gum disease, which, in its beginning stages is referred to as gingivitis. Left untreated, this condition can progress to become periodontitis, which is an advanced bacterial infection of the gums and supporting structures of the teeth,” explains a Connecticut dental implants professional. “Good oral hygiene – regular and thorough brushing and flossing – is essential in the prevention of the oral diseases that cause gums to bleed and the teeth to become decayed and loose.”

The Remedy: If your gums bleed, try not to press so hard when brushing. If they still bleed, you may have gum disease. Book an appointment with your dentist immediately. Practice a stricter home oral hygiene routine and floss daily.

2. Floss that frays quickly might be a sign of a cavity.

Connecticut Dental Implants"If you’ve ever tried to floss between two teeth and the floss keeps coming away frayed, you might have an irregularity in the structure of your tooth that’s causing the floss to become snagged and the fibers to come apart," explains the NJ dental implants professional. "If you’ve noticed any other problems, such as sensitivity, pain or discoloration of the tooth, then you’d be best advised to see your dentist right away. An untreated cavity can lead to infection of the pulp chamber, which may require endodontic therapy (a "root canal") to fix."

3. You should see the dentist at least once a year, even if nothing feels wrong.

“Prevention is always, always better than cure… it’s also cheaper,” says the Connecticut dental implants professional. “What so many patients don’t realize is that serious problems, such as cavities and gum disease, may not cause any pain. Since most people rely on their comfort levels to compel them to seek treatment, these problems are allowed to progress to the point where permanent damage is done and the necessary solutions are more expensive and more traumatic. Go see your dentist every six months to a year, regardless of how healthy you think your teeth are.”

Stay Tuned for Part 2

To read more of the important facts the NJ dental implants professional wished patients knew, stay tuned for the second installment of this four-part article series.