Dental implant | WorldClassid Best marketing you can get Thu, 02 May 2019 12:03:21 +0000 en-US hourly 1 194741333 Titanium Success: The Story Behind Hoboken Dental Implants Wed, 17 Apr 2019 17:58:32 +0000  This article explores all the reasons why titanium metal not only makes implant dentistry incredibly successful, but possible in the first place. Hoboken dental implants offer patients a comprehensive and long term solution to single and multiple missing teeth. In fact, it is in the experience of highly qualified and respected dentists and oral surgeons […]

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 This article explores all the reasons why titanium metal not only makes implant dentistry incredibly successful, but possible in the first place.

All on 4 Rutherford

Hoboken dental implants offer patients a comprehensive and long term solution to single and multiple missing teeth. In fact, it is in the experience of highly qualified and respected dentists and oral surgeons the world over that these tiny titanium screws are the most sophisticated tooth replacement solution modern dentistry has to offer. The science behind having your smile repaired with Hoboken dental implants dates back several decades to a time when dentists experimented with all sorts of metals, compounds and materials to try and find a tooth replacement solution that could remain permanently in the mouth. Unfortunately though, much of this research was fruitless as it is the body’s natural impulse to reject a foreign material; even if it was the goal of that material to replace a patient’s tooth. It was a very fortunate, yet accidental discovery in 1951 by Swedish orthopedic surgeon Per-Ingvar Brånemark that made the entire field of dental implantology possible….


Hoboken Dental Implants and the Process of ‘Osseointegration’

Hoboken Dental ImplantsDuring an experiment with titanium metal and rabbit bone, Professor Per-Ingvar Brånemark accidentally found that this exceptionally strong and lightweight metal was capable of biologically fusing with bone tissue. ‘Accidentally’ because it was not the goal of the experiment to test whether titanium was capable of ‘osseointegration’ as this process is known. But the Professor immediately recognized the significance of his discovery and its possible applications in dentistry and orthopedic surgery in the repair and replacement of bones and joints in the body. And of course, the ability of titanium to form a strong biological bond with bone tissue makes it possible for Hoboken dental implants, which are fabricated from titanium metal, to offer a non-removable solution to missing teeth; one that can remain permanently in the mouth.


But there’s more to titanium than this incredible and unique property…

Hoboken Dental Implants and the Benefits of Titanium Metal in Dentistry

It’s one thing to be able to biologically fuse with bone tissue, although this is a fundamental property of titanium when it comes to the fabrication of Hoboken dental implant. But what really makes titanium perfect for its applications in implant dentistry is that it is:

  • Exceptionally strong and lightweight: Hoboken dental implants can support a strong and natural bite, enabling patients to eat all the foods they love without damaging oDental Implantr compromising their tooth replacement technology.
  • Non-corrosive: The mouth is a constantly wet and acidic environment, especially after eating food. As such, the material from which Hoboken dental implants are fabricated cannot be corrodible, which titanium metal isn’t.
  • Stable and non-toxic: It would be no good to have a tooth replacement material that checks all the above-mentioned boxes if it wasn’t stable and non-toxic. Certain metals, such as lead and mercury, are poisonous and extremely dangerous. Titanium metal is absolutely harmless and stable; so it won’t chemically change or alter over time.

Hoboken Dental Implants: A Final Note

The discovery of titanium’s ability to fuse with bone tissue in 1951 gave rise to the entire field of dental implantology. Of course, the subsequent decades have really seen the sophistication of Hoboken dental implants and the surgical techniques used to place them. A smile need not be compromised for a single day by a missing tooth or several teeth. Hoboken dental implants are virtually indistinguishable, in function, feel and aesthetics, from any of your natural adult teeth!

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The Dental Implants Specialist Presents: Seven Interesting (and Shocking) Facts About Oral Health! Wed, 17 Apr 2019 17:49:55 +0000 This article discusses seven interesting facts about oral health and healthcare that many may not have been aware of. Fact # 1: According to a dental implants dentist, a shocking 80% of all Americans struggle with gum disease. How is this possible? The condition often doesn’t present with any pain, which is generally (and unfortunately) […]

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This article discusses seven interesting facts about oral health and healthcare that many may not have been aware of.

Fact # 1: According to a dental implants dentist, a shocking 80% of all Americans struggle with gum disease. How is this possible? The condition often doesn’t present with any pain, which is generally (and unfortunately) what prompts a patient to seek medical treatment. As a result, dentists only tend to see patients when their oral health has deteriorated so badly that they’ve started losing teeth and require dental implants.

If your gums are inflamed, swollen or bleed when you brush, you could have periodontal (gum) disease, says the dental implants specialist. If your teeth are discolored, if there are visible accumulations of tartar on the crowns and if you suffer from chronic bad breath, do not waste any time. Book yourself an appointment with your dentist. Preventative treatment is always cheaper!

Dental Implants

Fact # 2:Many people keep their toothbrush in an enclosed plastic container thinking that it will prevent the bristles from picking up bacteria from the surrounding surfaces. Well, says the dental implants dentist, the opposite is actually true! Bacteria thrive in warm, moist environments, which is exactly what you’ll find in those closed plastic containers. Your toothbrush needs to air-out between brushes, advises the dental implants specialist. If you really worry about germs on your toothbrush, change it every three or four months. Also, keep it at least six feet from a flushing toilet; or in a cupboard or medicine cabinet.

Fact # 3:A baby’s mouth is naturally devoid of many of the kinds of bacteria that cause tooth decay, says the dental implants dentist. So how does it get there? From their mothers and others, of course! Kissing your baby on the mouth or even blowing on their food to cool it can result in the transmission of harmful oral bacteria. This is ultimately unavoidable, so make sure you gently brush your baby’s gums and emerging teeth daily; and teach your children about good oral health and hygiene as they grow up. Preventing cavities, gum disease and the eventual need for dental implants is about awareness and education, which parents are solely responsible for.

Fact # 4:Too much of a good thing can be bad for you, especially when it comes to fluoride, warns the dental implants specialist. Children that are over-exposed to fluoride (treatments or toothpastes) could suffer from fluoride toxicity. Rather rely on those three to six month appointments with the dental hygienist for fluoride treatments. Fluoride toothpastes generally contain a safe amount of this element so you don’t have to worry about over-exposure there, advises the dental implants specialist.

Fact # 5:Three glasses of juice or soda a day accounts for 60% of all cavities, tooth decay and tooth loss, says the dental implants specialist. Rewire your body to regard sweet and acidic liquids as treats to be enjoyed on occasion. If you’re thirsty, drink water!

Fact # 6:If you’ve recently suffered from a viral infection of some kind, then change your toothbrush or you run the risk of re-infecting yourself, warns the dental implants specialist.

Dental implant

Fact # 7: Did you know that the very first toothbrush was manufactured in China towards the end of the 15th century? It seems as though people have long been aware of the quality of their breath and the appearance of their teeth, says the dental implants dentist.

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Restoring Oral Functionality with Stamford Dental Implants Wed, 17 Apr 2019 17:32:54 +0000 This article describes how dental implants enable patients, owing bite restoration, to enjoy a balanced diet and to articulate properly in speech. Teeth can and do become irreparably damaged and decayed and when they do, it is often a patient’s priority to, first and foremost, have their smile aesthetics and self-confidence fully restored. While there […]

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This article describes how dental implants enable patients, owing bite restoration, to enjoy a balanced diet and to articulate properly in speech.

Teeth can and do become irreparably damaged and decayed and when they do, it is often a patient’s priority to, first and foremost, have their smile aesthetics and self-confidence fully restored. While there are many different tooth replacement technologies on the market, the very best and most sophisticated of these are Stamford dental implants. Whether the cause behind single or multiple tooth loss is physical trauma (sustained for, in example, a car accident), dental decay, a failed root canal, gum disease, a certain chronic medication or an illness (such as cancer or diabetes), the effects upon one’s self-esteem are devastating. And while a patient’s primary concern is almost always to address what a missing tooth has done to the appearance of their smile, one must not forget about oral functionality! Thankfully, Stamford dental implants offer patients a sophisticated and long term solution to missing teeth, whether it’s one or all of them; a solution that restores smile aesthetics, proper articulation in speech and bite functionality.

Restoring Bite Functionality with Stamford Dental Implants

Stamford dental implants

It only takes a single missing tooth to compromise your ability to eat properly. Every single tooth in your dental arch provides an essential source of support for its neighboring teeth. Should dental decay or physical trauma cause a tooth to fall out or require extraction, the resultant gap – if left unfilled with Stamford dental implants – will cause the neighboring teeth to become unstable. These teeth will subsequently shift to fill in the gap, which in turn affects the next two teeth in the dental arch. In a wonderful real-life example of the domino-effect, instability passes from one tooth to the next. So, what does this do to your bite functionality?

• Without Stamford dental implants, your neighboring teeth may become loose and shift to fill in the gap left by the missing tooth.

• Without Stamford dental implants, your bite, which was once aligned, can change due to the shifting of your teeth. This can result in a mal-occluded bite, leading to hastened wear-and-tear of the tooth crowns.

• Without Stamford dental implants, the unfilled space may become a natural trap for food and bacteria, leaving your oral health at a much greater risk of infection.

• Without the tooth root present to keep the underlying jaw bone alive and stimulated, the jaw undergoes an atrophic remodeling process, resulting in the loss of bone volume. This may necessitate invasive and expensive bone grafting surgery to correct in the long run.

By scheduling an appointment with an implant dentist and having missing teeth replaced with Stamford dental implants, you will (1) regain the proper functionality of your teeth as tools for eating, (2) drastically lower your risk of infection, (3) preserve dental stability and (4) prevent jaw bone atrophy. Stamford dental implants are constructed from the exceptionally strong metal titanium, which enables patients to use them to enjoy a varied and balanced diet as they would with their natural teeth.

Restoring Speech with Stamford Dental Implants

Dental Implant

It can be difficult to imagine that a single missing tooth could affect your ability to speak properly, but it would! Your teeth play a very important part in helping you to articulate and pronounce words clearly and correctly. The tongue uses these structures to create sounds. Think about it the next time you say “th” or “t”. By filling the gap left by a missing tooth, Stamford dental implants restore the health and functionality of the mouth as an organ for both eating and communication.

Stamford Dental Implants: An Important Note

There are a great number of factors that can cause teeth to go missing. What is important for you to remember is that you seek immediate attention from your dentist in the event that you do. Never allow a missing tooth to go without professional attention and replacement with Stamford dental implants. The short and long term compromises aren’t worth it.

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Need New Teeth? 9 Things You Need to Know About Dentures and Bridgeport Dental Implants, PART 4 Wed, 17 Apr 2019 17:18:23 +0000 This four-part series presents nine important facts about removable dentures (or false teeth) with the aim of exposing the flaws and inconveniences of this technology as a solution to edentulism and near-edentulism. Welcome to the fourth and final installment of this article series on the key differences between removable dentures and Bridgeport dental implants. In […]

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This four-part series presents nine important facts about removable dentures (or false teeth) with the aim of exposing the flaws and inconveniences of this technology as a solution to edentulism and near-edentulism.

Welcome to the fourth and final installment of this article series on the key differences between removable dentures and Bridgeport dental implants. In our previous article post, we discussed another three facts you should know about dentures before choosing them as your tooth replacement technology, and they were:

  • A study showed that 40% of the natural teeth used to support partial dentures were, after a period of eight years, either lost to fracture or decay. Because Bridgeport dental implants are supported entirely by the jaw bone, they typically do not damage the surrounding hard and soft tissues in the mouth.

Bridgeport dental implants

  • Patients lose 75% of their bite force by having dentures fitted. After a period of 15 years, this deteriorates to a staggering 97%, which explains why so many elderly denture-wearers suffer from malnutrition. Bridgeport dental implants support a healthy jaw bone and facilitate a strong natural bite, enabling patients to enjoy a balanced diet with the occasional guilty indulgence!
  • A lower full denture shifts uncomfortably and awkwardly from side to side during eating and speaking; this is just something new denture-wearers need to grow accustomed to. Bridgeport dental implants are fixed and non-removable, very similar to natural teeth.

Bridgeport Dental Implants and Dentures: What You Need to Know # 7

Here’s some shocking statistics: denture wearers in general have a decreased nutritional intake and as a result (in addition to other associated problems) live ten years shorter than those with natural teeth or Bridgeport dental implants. 30% of all denture wearers can only manage soft and highly processed foods.

Dental implant

Bridgeport dental implants not only support a much stronger bite force than removable dentures, they promote a healthy jaw bone too. They also typically don’t cause any pain, inflammation and discomfort in the mouth like dentures tend to, thus enabling patients to eat all the foods they love and need to remain strong and healthy.

Bridgeport Dental Implants and Dentures: What You Need to Know # 8

The success rate of a single Bridgeport dental implant is a fantastic 98% and the benefits and advantages are unrivalled by any other tooth replacement technology on the market.

Bridgeport Dental Implants and Dentures: What You Need to Know # 9

For edentulous and near-edentulous patients who are more likely to opt for fixed oral rehabilitation with All-on-4 Bridgeport dental implants, the success rate is still incredibly high at 95% over a period of ten years. Furthermore, the use of dental implants to support a bridge or denture helps to maintain jaw bone volume by preventing atrophication from disuse.

A Final Note on Bridgeport Dental Implants

Bridgeport dental implants

For all the reasons discussed in this four-part article series – from the strength and longevity of Bridgeport dental implants to the pain and discomfort caused by dentures – the former constitutes a much smarter investment for patients who are either already edentulous (toothless) or who are facing an immediate future of edentulism. Any oral surgeon or dental professional worth his or her salt would recommend Bridgeport dental implants over and above removable dentures. For the superior and long-lasting benefits of bite function, smile aesthetics, self-confidence and overall quality of life, your choice should always be Bridgeport dental implants.

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Need New Teeth? 9 Things You Need to Know About Dentures and Stratford Dental Implants, PART 3 Wed, 17 Apr 2019 17:18:20 +0000 This four-part series presents nine important facts about removable dentures (or false teeth) with the aim of exposing the flaws and inconveniences of this technology as a solution to edentulism and near-edentulism.   Welcome back to our four-part article series on dentures and Stratford dental implants. In our previous post, we presented the first three […]

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This four-part series presents nine important facts about removable dentures (or false teeth) with the aim of exposing the flaws and inconveniences of this technology as a solution to edentulism and near-edentulism.


Welcome back to our four-part article series on dentures and Stratford dental implants. In our previous post, we presented the first three important facts you should know about removable dentures before choosing them as your tooth replacement technology. They were:

  • Dentures do not support the health of the underlying jaw bone, which, as a result of atrophy, changes shape and diminishes in volume. This necessitates the refitting of dentures every few years or so. Stratford dental implants support a healthy jaw bone and can last up to 20, 30 years and more without the need for replacement.
  • Only 40% of patients will still be wearing their original set of dentures after a five year period. This speaks volumes about the longevity, utility and value of dentures as a tooth replacement technology, making Stratford dental implants the smarter and longer term investment.
  • 50% of the patients who wear removable dentures say that they are able to eat better and more comfortably without them. Stratford dental implants support a strong, natural and comfortable bite enabling patients to enjoy a healthy and balanced diet. WITH their teeth!

Stratford Dental Implants and Dentures: What You Need to Know # 4


Partial dentures are often recommended to patients who have lost most, but not all of their original adult teeth. The plastic denture comes with hooks that are fitted onto the remaining natural teeth in the mouth, thus providing the partial with additional support.

Stratford dental implants

However, a study showed that 40% of the natural teeth used to support partial dentures were, after a period of eight years, lost either to fracture or decay. Dentures, which are ironically supposed to provide patients with a complete set of working teeth, actually contribute tremendously to the destruction of their remaining pearly whites!

How Stratford Dental Implants Differ: Implants rely solely upon the underlying jaw bone tissue for the support they need to remain free-standing and to facilitate a natural bite. They typically do not cause any damage to the adjacent teeth or to the surrounding soft tissue, making Stratford dental implants look, function and feel like natural teeth.

Stratford Dental Implants and Dentures: What You Need to Know # 5


Dental implant

One of the biggest problems faced by the edentulous elderly is malnutrition, which of course leads to and exacerbates a whole host of other health concerns and ailments. When you consider the following, it’s not hard to understand why the elderly are particularly vulnerable to under-nourishment:

  • Patients with a full set of natural teeth are able to bite down with a force of 200 pounds per square inch.
  • Patients with dentures can bite down with a force of approximately 50 pounds per square inch. That’s a 75% reduction in bite force. But get this…
  • Patients who have been wearing dentures for 15 years can only bite down with a force of 6 pounds per square inch and this has a terrible impact upon their diet.

This represents a 97% reduction in bite force.

How Stratford Dental Implants Differ: Stratford dental implants support a healthy and natural bite force, enabling patients to eat all the foods they love and need in order to be strong and healthy.

Stratford Dental Implants and Dentures: What You Need to Know # 6


Stratford dental implants

It’s just one of those challenges denture-wearers need to become accustomed to: generally speaking, a lower full denture shifts uncomfortably and awkwardly from side to side during eating and speaking. No matter how well fitted the full denture is.

How Stratford Dental Implants Differ: Stratford dental implants are fixed into and supported by the jaw bone, so they cannot move or shift around.

Stratford Dental Implants: Stay Tuned


To read the last three important things you need to know about removable dentures before choosing them as your tooth replacement technology, stay tuned for the final installment of this four-part article series.

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Frequently Asked Questions About Dental Implants in Phoenix, PART 2 Wed, 17 Apr 2019 16:37:47 +0000 This four part article series answers some of the questions patients frequently ask about dental implants, how they compare to other tooth replacement technologies and the various benefits they afford. This four-part article series strives to answer patients’ most frequently asked questions about dental implants in Phoenix. In our previous article post, the first installment […]

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This four part article series answers some of the questions patients frequently ask about dental implants, how they compare to other tooth replacement technologies and the various benefits they afford.

Gasser Dental Implants Arizona

This four-part article series strives to answer patients’ most frequently asked questions about dental implants in Phoenix. In our previous article post, the first installment of the series, we covered questions such as “Is the concept behind dental implants a new one?”, “What are modern implants made of?” and “What affects the long-term success of dental implants?” In this article, we shall take a look at some more of your FAQs on dental implants beginning with a definition…

FAQ # 4: What exactly are Dental Implants in Phoenix?

Answer: Dental implants in Phoenix are essentially artificial teeth that consist of an exceptionally strong titanium ‘tooth root’ that is used to support either a durable ceramic tooth crown (in the case of a single missing tooth) or a prosthetic dental bridge (in the case of multiple adjacent missing teeth, or comprehensive tooth loss.)

FAQ # 5: Who is Qualified to Place Dental Implants in Phoenix?

Dental Implants PhoenixAnswer: Dental implant procedures have become extremely popular because they offer the most comprehensive and sophisticated tooth replacement solution to those who have lost one or more of their natural pearly whites. As such, more and more general dentists are becoming qualified in the placement of dental implants in Phoenix. The official titles of professionals that perform these kinds of procedures are periodontists (gum specialists) or oral surgeons. A restorative dentist is then called in to fabricate, place and fit the dental crown or prosthetic bridge atop the abutment's of the dental implant's. Implantologists are qualified and experienced in both the surgical placement of dental implants in Phoenix as well as the restorative work.

FAQ # 6: Is There a Limit to the Age a Patient can be to Receive Dental Implants in Phoenix?

Answer: No. Age is certainly not a factor considered by dentists offering dental implants in Phoenix. Factors that do compromise a patient’s candidacy for an implant procedure include a lack of bone volume in the jaw (as a result of resorption and atrophy), the presence and extent of periodontal (gum) disease and pre-existing medical conditions, such as diabetes, parathyroid disorders, bone marrow cancer and certain blood and rare bone disorders. While these conditions do share a relationship with age, age alone doesn’t concern dentists when it comes to the placement of dental implants in Phoenix. In fact, patients that are well in to their nineties have received a brand new set of teeth thanks to this incredible technology!

FAQ # 7: What Prevents Dental Implants from Simply Falling Out?

Answer: In one word: ‘osseointegration.’ Dental ImplantThe base posts of dental implant in Phoenix are fabricated from the exceptionally strong and non-corrosive metal titanium. This metal also has the very unique property of being able to biologically bond with bone tissue (in a process termed ‘osseointegration.’) So, once an implant has been placed in the jaw bone, it integrates and fuses with the hard tissue over the ensuing months. Subsequent to healing, dental implants in Phoenix are as strong as any natural healthy tooth, enabling patients to eat, speak and smile with confidence.

Dental Implants in Phoenix: Stay Tuned for More FAQs!

To read the answers to more of your frequently asked questions, stay tuned for the third installment of this four-part article series on dental implants in Phoenix.

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Frequently Asked Questions About Dental Implants in Mesa, PART 4 Wed, 17 Apr 2019 16:37:43 +0000 This four part article series answers some of the questions patients frequently ask about dental implants, how they compare to other tooth replacement technologies and the various benefits they afford. It has been the aim of this four-part article series to address the widespread and common concerns of patients that are looking for a suitable […]

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This four part article series answers some of the questions patients frequently ask about dental implants, how they compare to other tooth replacement technologies and the various benefits they afford.

It has been the aim of this four-part article series to address the widespread and common concerns of patients that are looking for a suitable tooth replacement solution. Dental implants in Mesa offer a fantastic and comprehensive long-term solution to missing teeth, whether a patient has lost one to accidental trauma, or all of them to periodontal (gum) disease. In this article, the final installment of the series, we shall take a look at some final frequently asked questions. Armed with this valuable information, it is hoped that you, the audience, will make the smarter replacement choice when faced with tooth loss. And that choice is dental implants Mesa.

FAQ # 12: What is the Cost of Dental Implants in Mesa?

Answer: The cost you can expect to pay to have a tooth replaced depends on a variety of factors. First of all, different dentists and specialists charge different fees, so be sure to ask for a quote from yours. Secondly, the number of teeth requiring replacement and the need for Dental implants Mesaany preparatory procedures (such as the elimination of bacterial infection or bone grafting) can also greatly influence the cost of dental implants in Mesa. It is important to note that any dental implantprocedure involves three separate components and therefore, costs:

* The cost of the implant surgical procedure itself, during which the dentist places the titanium implant post in a predrilled socket in the jaw bone,

* The cost of the abutment, which is affixed to the implant once the jaw and gum has healed from the surgery, and

* The cost of the durable ceramic tooth crown, which is placed on top of the abutment.

FAQ # 13: If I Can’t Afford Dental Implants in Mesa, what Other Teeth Replacement Options are There?

Answer: Because few medical insurance companies cover the cost of dental implants in Mesa, most dentists offer financing for this procedure. This enables you to receive the best possible treatment you need at a monthly rate that won’t bankrupt you. Don’t compromise on quality because you are afraid you won’t be able to afford the cost of dental implants in Mesa. Ask your dentist about financing and about what it takes to qualify.

FAQ # 14: Is There a Dental Implant Solution for Denture Wearers?

Dental implantAnswer: Yes there is! The “All-on-4” protocol was specifically designed to treat edentulous (not having a single original adult tooth left) and near-edentulous patients. Even those that have been living with dentures for many years and whose jaw bone volume has deteriorated are able to get a full set of beautiful, immediately functional and non-removable teeth with “All-on-4” dental implants in Mesa. In most cases, bone grafting surgery can be avoided and this cuts a patient’s journey to oral rehabilitation down to as little as a single day, with a single surgery!

A Final Note on Dental Implants in Mesa

Dental implants in Mesa offer the very best solution to single and multiple missing teeth. And this isn’t based purely on a cosmetic point-of-view. Dental implants are, functionally, aesthetically and in terms of comfort, virtually indistinguishable from natural healthy teeth. They also promote the health of the underlying jaw bone, thus preventing the need for very expensive and invasive procedures down the line. Dental implants in Mesa constitute a long term investment in the future of your oral health, bite functionality and smile aesthetics.

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Flemington Dental Implants Specialists on: The Seven Deadly Dental Sins, PART 8 Wed, 17 Apr 2019 16:34:38 +0000 This 8-part series provides an in-depth look at seven different habits, addictions and behaviors that are deadly to your oral health. Welcome to the final installment of our 8-part article series on the different habits, behaviors and addictions that are deadly to the health of your teeth and gums. By indulging in these various “dental […]

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This 8-part series provides an in-depth look at seven different habits, addictions and behaviors that are deadly to your oral health.

Welcome to the final installment of our 8-part article series on the different habits, behaviors and addictions that are deadly to the health of your teeth and gums. By indulging in these various “dental sins”, you could eventually find yourself sitting in a consultation with a Flemington dental implants specialist! In this article, we shall be looking at the final deadly dental sin: hitting the bottle hard, in other words, excessive drinking.

Deadly Dental Sin # 7: Excessive Drinking

Flemington Dental Implants

Most of us enjoy the occasional glass of wine with our dinner or a couple of beers with friends on Saturdays. Sometimes, on a birthday or some other special occasion, we can overdo it a little. All of this is completely normal and forgivable. It’s when you indulge in regular excessive drinking that your teeth and gums could suffer the consequences.

Drinking alcohol is bad for your oral health for a number of reasons:

1. Alcoholic beverages tend to be acidic: This acid softens your dental enamel, making it more vulnerable to erosion and cavity formation.

2. Alcoholic beverages tend to be high in sugar: This creates a favorable environment for bacterial activity, since they thrive on sugar, and plaque formation.

3. Alcohol tends to irritate the soft tissues in the mouth, causing them to become inflamed and swollen.

4. Alcohol causes xerostomia or “dry mouth”: Saliva is the body’s natural defense against bacteria. By impeding this flow, alcohol leaves your teeth and gums more exposed and vulnerable to bacteria.

5. Alcohol tends to be linked with other bad habits: Most smokers tend to be drinkers and vice versa. Alcohol also impedes judgment and encourages a feeling of invulnerability, leading people into all kinds of trouble. Some become aggressive and get into fights (risking physical trauma to their teeth and gums), while others experiment with drugs, etc. The list goes on!

6. Alcohol encourages poor oral hygiene habits: Stumbling in at three in the morning? Chances are you don’t have the energy or mental faculties to brush your teeth, never mind floss them. Heavy drinkers tend to be very slack about maintaining good oral hygiene.

7. Alcohol causes vomiting… and vomiting is terrible for your teeth. Stomach acid is far stronger and more corrosive than the acid in the food we eat. The occasional stomach-bug can’t be helped, but drinking alcohol regularly and being ill as a result does excessive and unnecessary damage to your pearly whites!

For all these reasons and more, it is always a smart idea to moderate the amount of alcohol you drink. If you find yourself contending with killer hangovers on a weekly basis, it’s time to back off the booze. If you find yourself contending with killer hangovers daily, it’s time to get professional help. If you don’t, you could be facing the need for more than just a Flemington dental implant specialist!

Dental Implant

In conclusion, the seven deadly dental sins to be avoided are:

Deadly dental sin # 1: Neglecting Oral Hygiene

Deadly dental sin # 2: Smoking and Tobacco-use

Deadly dental sin # 3: Avoiding Check-ups With the Dentist and Oral Hygienist

Deadly dental sin # 4: Being Rough with Your Teeth

Deadly dental sin # 5: A Bad Diet that’s High in Sugar and Starch

Deadly dental sin # 6: Teeth Grinding and Jaw Clenching

Deadly dental sin # 7: Excessive drinking

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Flemington Dental Implants: 11 Ways to Keep Your Original Smile! PART 4 Wed, 17 Apr 2019 16:34:35 +0000 "This article series discusses 11 different habits we can develop and lifestyle changes we can make to prevent the array of oral diseases and conditions that lead to early tooth loss." This four-part article serieshas focused on presenting the top 11 habits and lifestyle changes that can ensure the lifelong health of your teeth and […]

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"This article series discusses 11 different habits we can develop and lifestyle changes we can make to prevent the array of oral diseases and conditions that lead to early tooth loss."

Flemington Dental Implants

This four-part article serieshas focused on presenting the top 11 habits and lifestyle changes that can ensure the lifelong health of your teeth and gums. By preventing bacterial infection and the various oral ailments and diseases that lead to tooth loss, you can avoid ever needing Flemington dental implant to replace irreparably damaged or missing teeth. In this article, part 4 of 4, we shall take a look at the last two tips before providing a brief summary of all the tips presented in this article series.

How to Avoid the Need for Flemington Dental Implants # 10: Never Ignore Dental Pain or an Oral Complaint

If you ever notice anything different about your oral health, such as inflamed gums, a sore tooth, or a strange lesion on the inside of your cheek – anything really – and it doesn’t disappear in a day or two, then seek the immediate attention of your dentist. Many severe oral ailments can be completely prevented with a timely diagnosis and treatment. Avoiding the nasty conditions that cause tooth loss and the need for Flemington dental implants means dealing with small problems and health issues in their infancy, before they have a chance to cause permanent damage to your smile!

How to Avoid the Need for Flemington Dental Implants # 11: If You’re a Grinder, Wear a Mouth Guard!

Dental ImplantsAlright, so mouth guards aren’t the sexiest accessory one can introduce into the bedroom, but Bruxism, or teeth grinding, is incredibly damaging to your teeth and can land you on the oral surgeon’s table requiring Flemington dental implants! Usually caused by stress, Bruxism causes an incredible amount of wear-and-tear on the grinding surface of the teeth. Given enough time, you can actually erode your teeth down to the dentine, which renders your pearly whites incredibly vulnerable to bacterial infection. Have a mouth guard fitted and wear it to bed at night to prevent Bruxism rather than requiring Flemington dental implants down the road. Perhaps speak to the dentist about what you can do to prevent teeth grinding in the first place.

Avoiding the Need for Flemington Dental Implants: A Brief Summary

1. Twice daily brushing for two minutes at a time,

2. Daily flossing,

3. Keeping those bi-annual appointments with the dentist

4. Opting for water instead of sugar and acid-rich drinks, such as sodas, fruit juices and energy drinks,

5. Never using your teeth as tools,

6. Opt for tap or mineral water instead of filtered water,

7. Quit smoking,

8. Drink alcohol in moderation,

9. Ask your GP about the possible side-effects of chronic medications,

10. Never ignore dental pain or an oral complaint,

11. If you’re a grinder, wear a mouth guard!

A Final Note on Flemington Dental Implants

Dental Implant

As it was discussed in the very first installment of this series, Flemington dental implants offer patients a fantastic, long term and comprehensive solution to single and multiple missing teeth. Yet, in spite of the advanced nature of modern medical and dental science, nothing can rival the benefits of having a mouth full of your original adult teeth. Avoid tooth loss and the need for Flemington dental implants by following the 11 tips presented in this article series.



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Encinitas Dental Art Restoring Smiles Wed, 17 Apr 2019 16:29:15 +0000 Encinitas Dental Art has years of experience helping patients achieve their desired smiles utilizing the latest dental implant technology. This case is about how Encinitas dental implant clinic restored the smile of a local patient named Nancy. Nancy, came to the practice seeking dental implants for her three missing teeth. Encinitas Dental Art helped restore […]

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Encinitas Dental Art has years of experience helping patients achieve their desired smiles utilizing the latest dental implant technology. This case is about how Encinitas dental implant clinic restored the smile of a local patient named Nancy.

Nancy, came to the practice seeking dental implants for her three missing teeth. Encinitas Dental Art helped restore her ability to eat and smile again with confidence. After years of neglect, Nancy was faced with having multiple teeth extracted. If loosing three teeth wasn’t enough, Nancy soon became aware of how difficult it was to continue her normal eating habits. She became very self-conscious and started to avoid eating in social situations. She noticed that her other teeth were starting to shift and it was even affecting the way she smiled.

After learning more about teeth implants on the Internet, Nancy wondered if this could be the solution to her problems. Nancy came to Encinitas Dental Art for an evaluation of her dental problems. After a thorough examination, a customized treatment plan to replace Nancy’s teeth was developed by the experts of Encinitas Dental Art. Nancy chose dental implants to replace her missing teeth because it didn’t require any preparation to any of her other teeth and provided a long lasting solution that wouldn’t be susceptible to dental decay. In Nancy’s case, teeth implants were the optimal solution, as the implants resemble the look and feel of natural teeth. They can be maintained by normal brushing and 8flossing and do not require any special floss threaders or messy denture adhesives as in the case of bridges and dentures.

After the evaluation process at Encinitas Dental Art clinic, Nancy began the implant process. Though the process is very benign, she opted for IV sedation to help manage her dental fear. Three titanium dental implants were placed in her jaw bone. These root form titanium posts served as the foundation for Nancy’s new teeth. Nancy was an excellent candidate for dental implants, but due to the time that she delayed in finding the right dentist to replace her teeth, she lost a little bit of critical bone in her jaw. A small bone graft was placed in the area of her missing teeth and the implants were successfully placed.

Encinitas Dental Art has traditionally referred patients to other offices for the surgical portion of teeth implant process, as is the case with many dentists in the area. However, with the addition of our new dentist, Dr. Christopher Henninger, to Encinitas Dental Art we are able to provide most dental implant services in our office avoiding the hassle of visiting multiple dental offices. Dr. Ed Coffey, a prosthodontist at Encinitas Dental Art, specializes in the restoration of dental implants. This allows us to handle even the most complex dental issues in one location.

After all three dental implants were surgically placed, Nancy entered the healing phase of the process, which normally lasts somewhere between 3 to 6 months. During the healing phase, the bone integrates with the titanium implant creating a stable foundation for prosthetic teeth, or crowns. After the healing phase, Nancy was ready for her new teeth. Impressions were taken of Nancy’s teeth to create the final crowns that were attached to each dental implant. Encinitas Dental Art made the teeth implant process 100% successful.

Nancy couldn’t be happier with the results of her new smile. She is no longer forced to chew with her front teeth and has regained confidence when she smiles. It is not only a joyful event for Nancy but also the entire Encinitas Dental Art team to see her happy with dental implantation.

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