When it’s time to see the Dental Implants Dentist in Ft. Lauderdale

This article emphasizes the importance of seeking immediate treatment for the loss of one or more natural teeth.

Cosmetic Dentist Lauderdale

The Dental Implants Dentist in Ft. Lauderdale: Introduction

Dental Implants Dentist Ft. LauderdaleYou have one set of permanent adult teeth. Unfortunately few people truly understand how precious a gift this is and how just a few decades of over-indulgence and sheer negligence can leave you with a deteriorating standard of oral health, as well as a few noticeable gaps in your smile. However, you don’t have to shun brushing your teeth to lose them. Many people have lost one or more of their adult teeth to accidental trauma, which could be something as serious as a car accident, or as innocuous as crunching down on an olive pit. But, whether the reasons behind your tooth loss are embarrassing or not, your very next course of action should be to arrange an appointment with the dental implants dentist in Ft. Lauderdale. Leaving a lost tooth without replacement has serious ramifications, not only for your smile aesthetics, but for your overall oral health as well…

Advice from the Dental Implants Dentist: The Importance of Replacing Missing Teeth

According to the dental implants dentist, the most immediate concern for most patients is getting their smile restored when one or more teeth go missing or become irreparably damaged. After all, there is nothing more distracting than a big gap or two in someone’s smile! While dental implants in Ft. Lauderdale offer a comprehensive and long term solution to single and multiple missing teeth, many patients avoid seeking the treatment they need. And according to the dental implants dentist in Ft. Lauderdale, restoring one’s aesthetic appearance is perhaps the least important of all the priorities when it comes to missing teeth:

  • Dental Implants in Ft. Lauderdale: Preventing Jaw Bone Atrophy ~ Through the transmission of the mechanical forces associated with eating and chewing, the tooth roots provide an important source of stimulation to the underlying bone tissue. When this is lost, the tissue atrophies and wastes away, says the dental implants dentist in Ft. Lauderdale; resulting in a loss of bone volume. This has a serious impact upon the stability and health of the neighboring teeth and can result in further tooth loss and infection. Dental implants in Ft. Lauderdale replace the entire missing tooth, from the root to the crown, which keeps the underlying hard tissue alive and healthy, preventing atrophy.Dental Implants Ft. Lauderdale
  • Dental Implants in Ft. Lauderdale: Preventing Dental Instability ~ Each tooth in your mouth relies on the next for support and stability, says the dental implants dentist in Ft. Lauderdale. One missing tooth and your entire dental arch can become unstable, just like a set of dominoes. This also increases a patient’s risk of infection. By filling the gap left by the missing tooth crown, dental implants in Ft. Lauderdale restore stability and health to the oral cavity.
  • Dental Implants in Ft. Lauderdale: Reducing the Risk of Infection ~ According to the dental implants dentist in Ft. Lauderdale, it just takes a single missing tooth to provide an excellent opportunity for bacteria to gain a foothold in the mouth. The exposed flesh of the exposed tooth socket affords bacteria the perfect place to proliferate and the accumulation of debris within this socket can result in infection. By seeking the immediate attention of the dental implants dentist in Ft. Lauderdale, measures can be taken to greatly reduce the risk of infection.

A Final Note from the Dental Implants Dentist

For all these reasons and more, it is of vital importance that you never ignore a missing tooth, even if it is right at the back of your mouth where no one can really see it. Just one lost tooth can have a devastating effect upon your oral health, says this qualified and experienced dental implants dentist in Ft. Lauderdale; and one that could have easily been avoided with some timely preventative care.